13 May 2022
Last Friday's Store Sale at Yea saw a full yarding with a total of 3,036 head presented for sale. Predominately store cattle with approximately 50 cow and calf units for sale. Chris Pollard, Yea Nutrien Ag Solutions Livestock Agent said, ‘A good quality yarding with grown steer firm on the previous sale.’
The average weight for the full yarding was 322kg with the top priced pen of Angus steers weighing in at an average of 581kgs, selling for $3,070 ($5.28 kg). Lighter steers sold at an average between $7 and $8 per kg, the top cow and calf unit sold for $4,000 per unit.
The next sale at the Yea Saleyards is scheduled for 27th May, Yea Nutrien Ag Solutions – Spring Drop Weaner Sale, 3100 head are already booked in and there will be live bidding via the AuctionsPlus platform. Pre-sale listing is available on Herd Online from today onwards and a detailed catalogue will be on auctions.outcross.com.au from 8am on the day of the sale.